Writing Your Own Media Content

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The best break-out sessions we’ve ever had at our Spring Conference.

  • MSU Extension (May, 2014)


Everyone Can WRITEA Series of Writing Workshops

Author the Story of Your Business

If you’re like most entrepreneurs, business owners, and even employees, you don’t see yourself as a writer, and even if you  do, you usually don’t think you have the time or ability to write for your business/work.  Yet, today’s market demands you generate media content:  tell the story of your business, educate your customer, and draw traffic to your website and/or your brick and mortar location.

There is something worse than not having a media presence, and it occurs all too often: the business whose media specialist sets them up,but nothing is happening; there is no story being told, no conversation taking place. In other words, it’s as if you’ve been invited to the largest party ever created, but you’re not actively interacting with anyone. You look even worse than if you never attended!

This workshop is really an invitation to a revelation. Imagine writing your own media content as an integral part of your workday; something you look forward to, something enjoyable and easily accomplished in a manageable amount of time. When you master the art of what RAVEN calls purposeful mess-making, the clarity of a finished piece is revealed. Furthermore, you come to realize how you too are a writer, and how you have the unique ability to write your own media content. Who better to tell the story of your business? Who better to engage in conversations with and educate your customer than you and your employees? Finally, the greatest benefit you and your staff gain from writing your own content is an improved ability to articulate what you have to offer your customer coupled with a heightened awareness of the mission and evolution of your business.

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