WRITING: “Room for Us”

FROM: Our Book: “Room for Us” ~ created from a dialog session with the entity known as Bashar ~ to be released in 2022 Room for me, for all of us, to integrate, to have an authentic, embodied experience unbound by the limitations of time, expectations, and over-thinking. That’s RAVEN, and it’s why the Dragon … Read more

WRITING: Permission

FROM: The Companion Book to Writing Workshop Two Project ~ a dialog with Sr. Christian (one of the four tools from our Writing Workshop One) ~ transcribed into verse This is regarding writing workshop two, just to dial myself in, focus. Yes, lots we could cover. We don’t bother asking, our audience won’t interfere with … Read more

WRITING: Create Space

FROM: The Class Guide to Writing Workshop One “…we will share details about the space where we prefer to create.  For example:  a quiet room with soft music playing, by candle light, outdoors, a busy place in public or a combination.  Regardless of what we prefer, it is now important to create space to check-in … Read more


FROM: The Class Guide for Writing Workshop Two – Focusing the Brain-streaming Reveals a FrameworkWoman-in-the-Rain

In WRITING WORKSHOP TWO, we begin where we left off in the first workshop by continuing to “DISCOVER A PATTERN” as we further develop the clarity revealed in Workshop One.  We accomplish this by conducting a more analytical approach to the question:  What came forward in Workshop One to be manifested in the “STUDIO OF YOUR CREATIVE LIFE”?  In other words, what SUBJECT kept rising to the surface or showing-up in our topic writing in WRITING WORKSHOP ONE?

With the “pattern” now thoroughly developed, we then engage in a new level of stream of consciousness writing as we “FOCUS THE BRAIN-STREAMING”.  This writing, these “SITTINGS”, provide rich material, a sculptors marble block.  Next, we master the RAVEN tools of WRITING WORKSHOP TWO, carving away at the “Focused Brain-stream” to reveal a framework and the “CONTROLLING IDEA of the work.

It is from this framework that we “DRAFT” in WRITING WORKSHOP THREE, adding what is necessary to develop in the framework revealed in Workshop Two.

Notes and Thoughts About Wokshop # 2: A JOURNEY TOWARD FRUITION

Now that I have worked with three groups, conducting Workshop #2, I have discovered a delightful pattern:  no one is at the same place in the process as they progress through it.  Like a long hike or race, everyone stands at the starting line together, but then they move at their own pace, meandering to and fro.  This is the way my classroom ran, a true studio, full of many works at various stages of development, all occupying the same space.  It’s a beautiful thing to behold; it’s real.  Imagine a creative space of learning where everyone is on the same page, imagine parenting a home this way.  I can’t.