Some writers have spent time on a piece prior to attending the “Raven school”. When this is the case, after the piece has found its new and true higher voice, only then do we invite the old work to pay a visit during Workshop Three: “Get the Draft”. It is a testament to the clarity and strength of the new work that the old stuff can be placed into the new arrangement. As a result, bridges are built, cracks are filled, decisions are set aside for later, fluff is forgotten, and old, dead dreams are cast aside.This was incredible to witness today. Lisa brought in a full 74 pages of earlier material and made the integration look easy. She was done in less than an hour!
Some writers struggle with being haunted by their earlier work on a given project. They delay releasing the old work, trusting it has already filtered through the entry way to the new them and is here waiting to attend this banquet of creation – THE DRAFT.