The “Studio” approach has revolutionized the academic experience for my 14-year-old daughter
Dawn: Flight Attendant, Business Owner, and Mother

RAVEN gave me a whole new dimension to my business, one I never thought about prior to taking the classes.
Bonnie, Real Estate Agent and Global Resort Network Associate

RAVEN had definitely helped me clarify the vision of Chazzano (Coffee Roasters). I’ve used the tools that I’ve learned to give better presentations and to write and publish my first book. All business owners should be enrolled in RAVEN’S sessions.
Frank, Award Winning Entrepreneur, Award Winning Coffee Roaster, Cantor, Author, Public Speaker
This…. (Managing the Creative Studio of Your Creative Life) is helping me unearth and organize the creative me.
- Psychotherapist
I love your approach. It’s helping me work through my blockages to writing, which amazingly, I still have after all these years.
- Trish, Professional Developer (HR – Beaumont Health), Consultant

“This leadership structure is like nothing we’ve ever seen or imagined. This is a game-changer. As we expand and restructure our business, Raven was the missing link to our success”
Ken, CEO of Triad Business Resources and an Entrepreneur University
I was very anxious the first time I had to write and then read my words aloud… But reading what I write out loud, while still difficult to do, is empowering. It gives me confidence. I appreciate the feedback, and when I go home and reflect upon it, it makes me happy that I can learn something new. I feel that one of the most important weapons I have in my arsenal is my catalog. It was slow to come in the beginning, I felt like I didn’t have anything fun or interesting to write down, but I’ve realized that common things are the things that turn into interesting subjects – when I write about what I know, who I know, how I’m feeling, I can delve deep within myself and grab things that have long been hidden away. I have so many memories, some good, some not so good, but they become a basis for healing when I put pen to paper and bring to light what’s been in the dark, sometimes for a very long time. I’ve found that secrets and hidden thoughts and emotions hold less power over me when I bring them out into the light. This Workshop has helped me do just that. I like that as I am learning to become a writer, becoming versed in techniques that are brand new. I too am becoming brand new at a different level. I am finally finding my voice after all these years. It’s exciting to me to live out something I’ve wanted to do ever since I’ve been a little girl.
- Julie, childrens’ literature author
The class really opened me up creatively in a major way… you are really good at opening up people’s creative stream….opening the floodgates of imagination…for whatever they might wish to produce.
- Jason, wellness practitioner, comic, musician
I came into this class wanting so badly to write about my experiences since my accident. However, I was unsure if it was even interesting enough to write about. Do people really want to hear about my life? I feel much more confident about that now. I feel as if I do have something to share, more precisely I feel more confident that it is worthwhile for people to hear. I also learned a lot about myself. The exercise where I wrote about my mom while in ICU truly was life changing. I had never looked at that situation as one of strength only as one of sorrow. To change that in my mind was tearing down a wall I had built up for years. I really feel as if I have changed so much. Before each assignment I think, as Robert is talking, I don’t understand, I can’t do that, then the quiet begins and I write away. How liberating! Having this experience will change the way I look at things. Writing down an experience gives you the opportunity of reflection I didn’t see before. I’m no longer writing the story of what it’s like to be a regular normal person who gets paralyzed, but my story of that event. How I made it through and how each person helped me with that process, more real now, less clinical. I really love how I’ve stopped worrying about what everyone else is writing and now I’m writing for me not what I think people want to hear. My belief before this class was the exact opposite. I hope to continue writing for me and not for the audience. How lucky we all are to be able to experience this, to sit here with people so different from each other, with such interesting tales, that each week I can’t wait to hear what they have to say. –
- Cathy, chef and restauranteur