Upon a balcony perched,
The fall waves wandering ashore,
a shower gently seats itself
upon my Northeastern View.
Cur-PLUNK: deep wave or two
Stand out amongst the wandering,
soft, yet robust flow,
Making a name for themselves
Amongst the Timeless composition
of Seaside sound.
Majestically too, a pier stands out
A mile to the north, a staff
To said music, waves
Playing along its lines.
Did poetry rear its lovely head
As I only meant to identify
My place from where I create
This morning, this peninsula, this ocean, this Earth, this Cosmos?
I sit in a minute moment
Amongst uncountable infinite moments,
all containing, yet uncontained,
All that serves my Enlightenment.
My Divine manifestations of millions-trillions of simultaneous moments
All made for my light human
To choose from and delight in
Like so many chocolates come Christmas morn. Feast.
Feast, my beloved companion, for there is no end, so feast as if you get that fact, until you really do understand and appreciate there is no such thing as scarcity, except in your old tales and Kyosaki’s left quadrant, where so many consciousness’ lay trapped in the ruin of old belief systems. Feast!