Energy Disguised as Writing Workshop Two

FROM: a dialog with Writing Workshop Two, the Writing Workshop Two Companion Book Project

Me: Hello WW 2, Companion Book. What’s up?

WW 2: I felt you reach out to me, energetically, yesterday. You made a bold claim: You’d create the book during Spring Break. “… a new beginning, a break away from what no longer serves you…” I heard that, too. Simply ask. be present to, consciously, to that “studio”, the studio, and all will be revealed. But don’t, “scare me off”.

ME: Can I?

WW 2: No, “I don’t scare easy.”

ME: Wow, you here everything!

WW 2: I am present to you, serving you, unconditionally at all times. I am energy. Your little energy shift, “Merlin”, allows you to play with me, as what you call, “The Companion Book toWriting Workshop Two.”

(more to come…)