FROM: “The Companion Book to The School of Leadership Development” Project ~ an “open-ended” writing (one of the four tools from our Writing Workshop One)
for some, is
tumultuous and stressful,
while for the Leader
a lack of movement - expansion,
     ...as he 
allows his team 
to follow their excitement 
to the best of of their abilities
with no attachment
to a particular outcome...
Perhaps this is where
the anxiety has its origin:
the expectation 
to an outcome.

Everyone thinks and believes moving is “one of the most stressful experiences you can have.” It’s excepted and perpetuated by the common consciousness – even its gurus. The momentum toward such an outcome – stressful – becomes a difficult, self fulfilled prophecy to shift away from, especially if one’s partner – anyone we find ourselves in agreement with – is “all in” with such a limited belief.

Perhaps, so many also attach limited beliefs on what a move entails: NOT following ones excitement/choosing what one prefers, rather, moving out of fear, attaching shame and/or failure, or “down-sizing.” At the heart of an outcome fraught with experiences and/or feelings not in alignment with one’s true self; namely our excitement, is a manifestation of the belief in lack….

More to Come….