Writing Illusions


This is something that happens to me sometimes. Not that I fully understand it on a psychological level, but I recognize it as a pattern in my life. When I am responsible for something, and I start to let it slip, I start to feel guilty and instead of dealing with it I just ignore it. I’m feeling that way right now…. about calling you back… about doing my “homework”…. about coming to class. I’m feeling bad and wanted to apologize. I’m hiding right now and think I need to take a little time to get back on track. I’m not going to be able to make it tomorrow, but hopefully next week I will be back in full force (what better time than my 35th birthday to start fresh?;) I hope you understand. I want you to know how grateful I am for you and what you do. It has been such an amazing thing in my life and I look forward to what is to come. Thank you so much. Enjoy today!


Time is an illusion. This is not about the teacher, coming to class, or doing homework. And birthdays, really? The calendar? Those are old realities which the old you is hanging on to as the new you is perched to move forward. You have experienced this before, clearly. The question is: Will this old story continue to skip or are you ready to fix the broken record.

What you are experiencing is a very good thing. It means you are ready, and the old you is scared shitless about the change and being left behind, so it locks you down – hard. (By the way, it won’t be left behind – another fabrication, but more about that later…. this illusion held me up for 49 years!) When doesn’t matter. There is no such thing. You already are. The perfect you has taken care of everything, has prepared for your True arrival. You look forward to your return.

It’s like this, picture this: There is this grand banquet prepared for someone (the someone is you). It sounds silly to welcome or invite someone who is already there, right? But this is the illusion you hold onto, while everything is present to and serves you. You are surrounded by Love. All that is awaits Patiently and Lovingly for you to make a simple choice to attend to your abundance.

In other words, the “slip” is just an illusion too

IN RAVEN SPEAK:tumblr_lrtd4mHyAe1r2vsywo1_500

The creative studio of your life is ONGOING

  • start when you choose
  • attend when you choose
  • configure your presence to fit your unique “schedule”

Photo Credit:  tumblr_lrtd4mHyAe1r2vsywo1_500

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