Writing Workshop One, Class One

The purpose of this invitation is not to see how well you can write; we don’t care. That’s right, I am the Writing Coach who doesn’t care.
Why? I don’t concern myself with how well you write because in 21 years of teaching the RAVEN Writing Method, I have never found anyone who can’t write
(sorry academics and the institutional elite).
We are only looking for two things in this 1st SAMPLE:
(1.) how comfortable you are making a mess
— very ordered/#analytical/#structured or a free spirit who cannot bring things to fruition
— very ordered/#analytical/#structured or a free spirit who cannot bring things to fruition
(2.) your neurological pathway
— a well worn path, you have walked many times, or more like cutting a pathway through a jungle with a dull machete?
RAVEN meets you where you are, then invites you to pass through six thresholds as you reveal the full fruition of all of your creation.
— a well worn path, you have walked many times, or more like cutting a pathway through a jungle with a dull machete?
RAVEN meets you where you are, then invites you to pass through six thresholds as you reveal the full fruition of all of your creation.