On the Question of UNITY:
The Constitution of the United States. It unites the world, it’s what an agreement of principles, which empowers people, always accomplishes.
A community is defined as a group of people with a shared value system. It’s what we allow groups to realize on day one of our Leadership Development/Team Building Workshops: how they are, indeed, a community. From here they can now create strategies for positive change regarding any issue that may arise; namely, breakdowns or patterns of neglect regarding what the community holds sacred and then resolve challenges with these same agreed upon values and principles.
If a faction of the community decides to employ negative strategies to dismantle what the community holds sacred, it is the duty of the community to uphold moral order and allow the negativity energy to release itself from the community and the privileges of the community’s until which time the separated group can reflect and restore itself to an understanding which best serves it and what it most prefers. In other words, the disenfranchised group is afforded space to question itself honestly:
~ What happened? (the most challenging question)
~ What were they thinking/feeling when it happened?
~ What have they thought/felt since?
~ Who did their actions effect? In what way?
~ What can they do to positively resolve the situation?
* the problem with unity in any group remains perpetual when the negativity continues to be enabled, to the point of the negative behavior actually receiving MORE attention and privileges than the group upholding to the original, sacred truths. This is incredibly dysfunctional for any team/group. Both parties lose as a result: the unruly disrupter is never allowed to work through their challenges while the enabler – afraid to further upset the negative energy – only perpetuates the problem.
* it takes a strong leader to come in and shift the energy: empower the positive/be real with the negative. It takes courage; it takes honesty.