FROM: The School of Entrepreneurship Project ~ a dialog with Eric Worre Over due, my friend. If anyone on the planet, can do this, you can. Channel YOU! You’ve always been an expert at taking valuable, new information, shaping it to fit your life and applying it in service to others. That’s it, by the … Read more

ENERGY: It’s Been a While…

FROM: an open-ended writing session – The New Energy School Project – transcribed to verse – I wrote this in the Fall of 2019 while I was back in the classroom again, teaching in the inner City of Detroit at a fine arts academy… Still running scared into the New Consciousness? Afraid to leave an … Read more

WRITING: Permission

FROM: The Companion Book to Writing Workshop Two Project ~ a dialog with Sr. Christian (one of the four tools from our Writing Workshop One) ~ transcribed into verse This is regarding writing workshop two, just to dial myself in, focus. Yes, lots we could cover. We don’t bother asking, our audience won’t interfere with … Read more

WRITING: Create Space

FROM: The Class Guide to Writing Workshop One “…we will share details about the space where we prefer to create.  For example:  a quiet room with soft music playing, by candle light, outdoors, a busy place in public or a combination.  Regardless of what we prefer, it is now important to create space to check-in … Read more

ENERGY: Earthen Stove

FROM: “The New Energy School Project” ~ a dialog with art (dialog: one of the four tools of our Writing Workshop One) …We Already know. We simply, Due to self worth, Won’t remind ourselves, With a permission slip, One we enjoy… …To remember… We are Consciousness, Realizing itself In the context      of An old … Read more

ENTREPRENEURSHIP: Catching Connection

From: “The School of Entrepreneurship Project”: ~ A Dialog with 20 pages of notes from a Expo, – transcribed into verse Let’s catch-up. Lots of that hanging around In the studio of all of our creation. Started the break well, domestically speaking. Grunt work, yes. There’s a great deal of gratitude To be had for … Read more

Practicing Permission

FROM: “The New Energy School Project” – a Catalog Writing Session, “Important Decision: Gratitude and Permission to Engage in Earth Energy Practices More Intentionally Again” Energy. Gaia leaves as the Life Force Energy of the planet. Are all species the experiencing the same, all sovereigns; it’s just more apparent now? Including the human? A sovereign … Read more


FROM: (the intro.) “Morning Whispers: Stopping By Deconstruction on Our Way to Enlightenment” – a summary of sub-points from the “Source” cluster (WW 3: The Introduction Tool at RAVEN) “It is in the human’s nature, especially when faced with radically new information and change, to return to the familiar, clinging to old belief systems which … Read more

ENTREPRENEURSHIP: Dismantled from Your Divinity?

FROM: A Dialog with My 2020 Jeunesse Expo Notes

ME: Let’s catch-up

EXPO: Lot’s of that hanging around in the studio of all of your creation.

ME: Started the break well, domestique-ly.

EXPO: Grunt work, yes. There’s a great deal of gratitude to be had for that, and – if it excites you – a nice momentum starter.

ME: All it takes. EXPO: Always. But to continuously restart, catching up as you say, re-connecting ; how about simply staying connected ( a slogan? – ha!).

ME: Well…. – EXPO: – Yes, you know it. ME: We are always “connected”, as it were. We can enjoy “permission slips” (Bashar, channeled by Darryl Anka), practices which remind us of that fact, allow a connection to our higher self, thereby serving our highest frequency and what we most prefer. Pen to paper works well for me.

EXPO: – and your team –

ME: – Yes, one of the groovy Insights and Calls -to Action that came from engaging with the Expo in a purposeful – not so messy, I must say, way through my application of our own Writing Workshop One Program.

EXPO: Well done, by the (they – play on words through a typo) way. Even you were surprised, when you reviewed your EXPO Portfolio just now, with all the “permission” you gave yourself and how much you “practiced”.

ME: Now. Action.

EXPO: Indeed. Stay connected. It can be as simple as “5 schools, 5 days-a-week, “permissions and practices” on said days; 5 each-a-day on a lighter note [another play on words: “note” – musically, as well as, in “NT 101” mode – notes (note-taking) and notes as in music].

ME: Ooh, I like “NT 101” as a nickname for our “Note-taking 101” Method.

EXPO: It all starts and STAYS, here, with NT 101 (play on words with a typo: “stats”). It’s a way to allow engagement and momentum to get started and to then stay connected. The notes, journals, BEL’s, (all terms at RAVEN) are permanent: They STAY, and then they may always be visited, revisited, and allow for momentum to be served by following the excitements which reveal themselves – exponentially in the “studio” – the ENTREPRENEURIAL Studio of all of one’s creation…. Then, continuing to expand to reveal further excitement as “PATTERNS”, “FRAMEWORKS”, “DRAFTS”, AND “REVISIONS” (all terms at RAVEN). *Ding – 15 minutes….

LOOP: more to come….

Jeunesse Opportunity Events


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